B.Sc. in Mathematics – SMIT

B.Sc. in Mathematics and Computing

Starting from the academic year 2022-2023, the department is proud to offer a B.Sc. program in Mathematics and Computing. This program is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in both mathematics and computational aspects, preparing them for careers in the software industry and further studies in mathematics and computing at the master's level.

Vision Our vision is to become a center of excellence in Mathematics and its technological applications.


  • To educate students in fundamental and applied Mathematics, enabling them to become skilled professionals in various fields.
  • To create an environment where students can appreciate and enjoy mathematics while understanding its interdisciplinary applications.
  • To instill a spirit of research and its significance among students through innovative teaching and research methods.
  • To contribute to the nation's development through innovative research, training activities, and high-quality education.

Program Outcome (PO) The program outcomes are currently under construction and are subject to the approval of the academic senate.

Program Specific Outcome (PSO) The program specific outcomes are currently under construction and are subject to the approval of the academic senate.

Eligibility Criteria
Passed 10+2 with 50% marks & Mathematics as one of the subject.
3 Years
Total Fees for 1st year - Rs. 70,000/-

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